(Effective as of the 1st of August 2020)

YCW Regulations

1.0: Basic Rules

1.1: The YCW Basketball Association recognises and endorses the By-Laws of basketball as defined by Basketball Tasmania.

1.2: However, under its constitution the YCW Basketball Association reserves the right to set certain regulations pertaining to such issues as: clock rules, team uniforms, bench duty, player registration, conduct, referee duties and the association’s financial management. These rules are contained within this set of regulations.

1.3: The Association requires its referees to operate under both the above mentioned sets of rules.

1.4: The Association requires its players to abide by both the above mentioned sets of rules.

1.5: If in a specific instance the By-Laws endorsed by Basketball Tasmania are in conflict with the regulations of the YCW Basketball Association, the Association’s regulations are considered to be correct.

2.0: Requirements for Play to Commence.

2.1: In order for a match to be played each team requires at least four uniformed players who meet the player eligibility rules (see section 7.0) to be present on the court and ready to play.

2.2: A match ideally requires two referees; however, in the instance that only one referee is available to commence the game or one becomes incapable of continuing, one referee will suffice.

2.3: The game clock will be started once the scheduled game time has passed and at least one of the two match referees have arrived.

2.4: A team unable to field the requisite four player minimum at the time when the cIock is started will be penalised at a rate of two points for each minute of game time that they are unable to field the minimum number of players.

2.5: If at the ten minute mark in the first half, a team is still unable to field a minimum of four uniformed players, they will lose the game by forfeit.

2.6: If neither team is able to field a minimum of four uniformed players, they will both be considered to have forfeit the game (see section 11).

3.0: Clock Rules

First half

3.1: Each team is permitted two time outs of one minute duration.

3.2: No time outs are permitted within the last two minutes of the first half.

3.3: Except in the event of a referee’s time out, the clock will not stop under any circumstances during the first half.

Second half

3.4: Each team is permitted two time outs of one minute duration.

3.5: If, at any time, during the last 3 minutes of play the margin between the teams is within ten points the clock must stop each time the referee(s) stops play this practice would cease if the margin between the two teams became greater than 10 points.

4.0: Team Presentation and Uniforms

4.1: Teams must ensure they have uniform singlets with clear numbers front and back and each player is wearing shorts.

4.2: T-shirts may be worn under the singlet.

4.3: The failure to adhere to rule 4.1 will result in the opposition being awarded four penalty points for each inappropriately clad player that enters play.

4.4: It is the responsibility of the referee(s) to enforce rule 4.3 as each new breach of the rule occurs.

5.0: Court Safety

5.1: Players are not permitted on the court while wearing watches or jeweIlery on their hands, wrists or around the neck.

5.2: Any form of visible body piercing should either be removed or protected to the satisfaction of the referee(s) prior to the player being permitted to enter the court of play.

5.3: A player who in the best judgement of the referee(s) is considered to be under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics must be required to leave the court and stadium.

5.4: A player who is found to be openly bleeding must leave the court.

5.5: If blood, or an unsafe quantity of any other liquid is found to be on the court surface or ball, play must be suspended until that substance is safely removed to the satisfaction of the referee(s); during these instances the referee may call a referees time out and stop the clock.

5.6: While it is the referee(s) responsibility to enforce rules 5.1 to 5.4 it is a team’s responsibility to ensure its players adhere to the referee(s) ruling.

5.7: If a player refuses to leave the court under rules 5.1 to 5.3 or the stadium under rule

5.4 play will stop and the opposition will be awarded 4 penalty points for each minute the offending player remains on court.

5.8: If after five minutes, the player has refused to follow the direction of the referee(s), the team of the offending player will be disqualified from the match.

5.9: If a disqualification results from a breach of rules 5.1 to 5.5, the referee(s) must report the offending player (see section 10).

6.0: Bench Duty

6.1: Throughout the season, each team playing in the YCW Basketball Association competition wiII be required to undertake bench duty during their game.

6.2: Duty consists of providing a single person who must either complete the score sheet or operate the score board.

6.3: If a team fails to provide a duty officer, the match referee(s) wiII award the opposition team four penalty points for each half of the match that no duty officer is provided.

7.0: Team and Player Registrations and Affiliations.

7.1: For the purpose of this section, a club is’ an entity which may have one or more teams that play under its name; ie. Perkunas 1 to 4 and Erico 1 and 2. A team is an individual group of players who constantly form a single playing unit and mayor may not be affiliated with a club.

7.2: In order for a team to register with the YCW Basketball Association it must provide the names and addresses of all its players and nominate a team manager.

7.3: A list of at least five affiliated players are required for a team to initially become registered with the YCW Basketball Association.

7.4: The YCW Basketball Association holds the privilege to refuse any player the right to compete in any competition run by this Association if the committee is of the belief that a past issue warrants this course of action.

7.5: All people who wish to play in a competition run by the YCW Basketball Association must be registered as a player by Basketball Tasmania and the Southern Basketball Commission.

7.6: A previously unregistered player may have up to four weeks following their first roster game in which to organising their registration. However, in order to be eligible to play further games after that four week period, they must then have either completed their registration as a player or demonstrate that they are already registered as a player by Basketball Tasmania and the Southern Basketball Commission.

7.7: Upon registering as a player through the YCW Basketball Association, the player in question must indicate which club and/or team he will be playing with.

7.8: A player’s registration will be valid for up to one calendar year, or the remaining portion of the current calendar year from when the player successfully completes the registration requirements.

7.9: The current player registration fee is shown in Schedule 1 of this document. The total required payment for each player combines the annual registration fees of both Basketball Tasmania and the Southern Basketball Commission.

7.10: A registered player can play two YCW Basketball Association games on the same day; however, they must be for teams within the same club which play in different divisions.

  1. 11: A player who wishes to change their affiliation from one club to another must seek and receive a clearance in writing from the YCW Basketball Association’s Committee prior to playing for their new side.

7.12: A player must play at least five (5) games with a particular team prior to being eligible to play for that side in the finals series.

7.13: A club that plays a player who is ineligible to play due to a breach of rules 7.4, 7.6, 7.10, 7.11 and 7.12 will be disqualified each game in which they play that person.

8.0: Player Conduct

8.1: A player is considered to be a person who is present in the Moonah Sports Stadium in order to participate in a game of basketball run by the YCW Basketball Association.

8.2: Players must to the best of their ability adhere to both the rules of the game of basketball and the regulations of the YCW Basketball Association.

8.3: A player must accept the ruling of the match referee(s).

8.4: A player will receive a tech foul for any of the following:

  • unduly rough play;
  • unnecessarily harassing the referees;
  • any disorderly conduct; and
  • foul or abusive language.

8.5: A player who receives three tech fouls in a single game must immediately leave the stadium; and will receive an automatic one week suspension. At this time the clock will stop until the offending player has left the stadium.

8.6: If a player refuses to leave the stadium under rule 8.5, play will stop and the opposition will be awarded 4 points for each minute the offending player remains in the stadium.

8.7: If after five minutes, the player has refused to leave the stadium, the team of the offending player will disqualified from the match.

8.8: If a disqualification results from a breach of rule 8.5, the referee(s) must report the offending player if this has not yet occurred.

8.9: A player who, in anyway assaults, abuses or threatens a referee while that referee is undertaking their duties or as a result of the referee carrying out their duties can be reported by that referee or a witnessing referee.

8.10: A player who, in any way assaults, abuses or threatens an official of the YCW Basketball Association who is carrying out Association duties (including individuals carrying out bench duty) can be reported.

8.11: A player who, assaults, abuses or threatens another player can be reported by the match referee(s).

8.12: A player who, assaults, abuses or threatens a member of the crowd or a non-playing team official can be reported by the match referee(s).

8.13: A player who has been reported must appear before an independent tribunal convened by the Southern Basketball Commission at a time designated by the tribunal. The YCW Basketball Association will accept, endorse and uphold both the proceedings and the findings of this tribunal. .

8.14: A reported player who fails to appear before the tribunal without a relevant reason, is by their absence, accepting guilt.

8.15: A reported player, who is not serving a pre-existing suspension or one related to the acquisition of tech fouls is free to play in YCW Basketball Association games until the tribunal meets to hear his case.

8.16: A player who is serving a suspension for an act carried out at a YCW Basketball Association game is not permitted to enter the stadium while YCW Basketball Association games or other Association activities are in progress unless the suspended player first gains the permission of the Committee of the YCW Basketball Association. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a further report.

8.17: Any player or team official who wishes to discuss any aspect of the Association regulations should direct comments in writing to the president or the secretary of the YCW Basketball Association.

9.0: Crowd and Non-Player Conduct

9.1: A non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who, in anyway assaults, abuses or threatens a referee while that referee is undertaking their duties, or as a result of the referee carrying out their duties, can be reported by that referee or a witnessing referee.

9.2: A non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who, in anyway assaults, abuses or threatens an official of the YCW Basketball Association who is carrying out Association duties (including individuals carrying out bench duty) can be reported.

9.3: A non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who, assaults, abuses or threatens another player can be reported by the match referee(s).

9.4: A non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who, assaults, abuses or threatens another member of the crowd or another non-playing team official can be reported by the match referee(s).

9.5: A non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who has been informed that they have been reported (see sections 8.9 to 8.12) must immediately leave the stadium.

9.6: If the above mentioned person or persons refuse to leave the stadium under rule 9.5 play will stop and if relevant to the circumstances the opposition will be awarded 4 penalty points for each minute the offending person(s) remain in the stadium.

9.7: If after five minutes, the offending person(s) have refused to leave the stadium, the team of the offending player will be disqualified and loose the match.

9.8: A non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who has been reported must appear before an independent tribunal convened by the Southern Basketball Commission at a time designated by the tribunal. The YCW Basketball Association will accept, endorse and uphold both the proceedings and the findings of this tribunal.

9.9: A reported non-playing team official, a team supporter or a general spectator who fails to appear before the tribunal without a relevant reason, will be banned from entering the stadium during games and events run by the YCW Basketball Association until such a time as they appear before the tribunal.

10.0: Referee Duties

10.1: It is a referee’s responsibility to manage the progress of a game and monitor the conduct of the players within that game according to the rules of basketball and the regulations of the YCW Basketball Association.

10.2: A referee is required to enforce those YCW Basketball Association regulations relating to:

  • the requirements for play to commence (see section 2.0);
  • clock rules (see section 3.0);
  • team presentation and uniforms (see section 4.0);
  • court safety (see section 5.0);
  • bench duty (see section 6.0);
  • player conduct (see section 8.0); and
  • crowd and non-player conduct (9.0).

10.3: A referee who reports a person should if possible inform that person that they have been reported at the time of the incident. However, if that person has been required to leave the stadium, this may not always be possible; if this occurs the referee should ensure that a team official has been informed and the reported person is informed at the soonest practical opportunity.

10.4: A referee who reports a person must enter that a report has occurred and the known details of that person on the rear of the score sheet (ie, a name, player number and team); and fully fill out a Basketball Tasmania Report form (see Schedule 2) and present it to the Secretary of the YCW Basketball Association within 24 hours of the reported incident.

10.5: A referee who reports a person must appear before an independent tribunal convened by the Southern Basketball Commission.

10.6: The match referee(s) are responsible for awarding the best player votes for each game they officiate over; a place for this information is provided on the score sheet.

10.7: A player or team official who believes a referee has not undertaken their responsibilities in an appropriate manner should make any such complaint in writing. A complaint should be forwarded to the president or secretary of the YCW Basketball Association.

10.8: If at any time prior to, during or following a game run by the YCW Basketball Association, a referee or another Association official considers a situation to be beyond the control of a referee they must call the Tasmania Police and report the incident.

10.9: A reporting referee, or any other witnessing referee or official of the YCW Basketball Association, who is required to appear at a tribunal hearing will be eligible to claim expenses at a rate set by the Committee of the YCW Basketball Association (see Schedule 1).

11.0: Disqualification and Forfeiture of Games

11.1: A team that is disqualified during a game of basketball which is being or has been run by the YCW Basketball Association will gain no match points for the game, despite the results on the score sheet when the disqualification was declared.

11.2: A team that forfeits a game of basketball which is being or has been run by the YCW Basketball Association wiII be fined (see schedule 1 for details on the size of the fine).

11.3: The opposition of a team which either forfeits or is disqualified from a game wiII receive the match points. If they had already won the game prior to their opposition being disqualified they will also receive their due percentage points.

11.4: If for some reason both teams are disqualified, neither side will receive match points or percentage points.

12.0: Financial Responsibilities

12.1: A team which is in debt to the YCW Basketball Association shall not be permitted to:

  • participate in any finals matches being run by the Association;
  • receive any player awards; and
  • re-enter the team in subsequent seasons until the debt in question has been paid.

12.2: A side’s match fees are to be paid on the night of each game; the payment is to be given to a designated Association official.

Schedule 1: Current Player fees

Team match fees: $70.00 per game

Forfeiture fee: $140.00

Schedule 2: Current Payments

Referee match fee: $25.00 per game (to be paid at the completion of their elected matches)

Secretarial Fee: $25.00 per week

Referee or Association Official’s expenses for tribunal appearance: 30 cents per kilometre travelled up to a maximum of 60 kilometres (details of origin of journey, destination and odometer reading must be provided to the secretary for a payment to be made).

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